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Extinction Status Confirmed For 21 Species

Extinct Species Confirmed by IUCN in 2023

Extinction Status Confirmed for 21 Species

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has confirmed the extinction of 21 species during 2023. These species, ranging from birds to mussels, are no longer found in the wild or in captivity.

IUCN Classification: Extinct

Animals rated as Extinct are those that have disappeared from both their natural habitats and any captive populations. This classification represents the irreversible loss of a species from the planet.

US Fish and Wildlife Service Delists Extinct Species

On October 16, 2023, the US Fish and Wildlife Service finalized a rule removing the 21 extinct species from its list of protected species. This action acknowledges the scientific evidence confirming their extinction status.

Ecological Concerns with Reintroduction

Efforts to reintroduce extinct species, such as mammoths and thylacines, have sparked concerns among ecologists. The reintroduction of these species could disrupt existing ecosystems that have adapted and thrived in their absence.
